Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hey, I'm totally obsessed with this show called Psych. It's about this guy who sees details really well and so he pretends he's psychic. He and his friend get called by the Santa Barbra police department to solve cases with his "psychic" abilities. It's not just a mystery show it's also a comedy. It's pretty hard to describe this show so just watch it and see for your self. It's on the USA channel and a new one is on every Wednesday.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Paper Snowflakes
Whenever I try to make paper snowflakes they always turn out terrible well here is a trick that helped me make them here are some pics of the ones I made.
Christmas craft,
snow flake,
Xmas craft
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Ugh i got in trouble at school
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
wii blogging
I got this cool thing on my wii where i can acsess the internet, it's awesome! I'm using it now.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Black Friday
Hey every one my family and I are preparing a huge black friday shopping trip tomorrow so I will be posting every time I go to a store and what I buy.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!! Sometimes during the holidays we get caught up in shopping and food part of the holidays but this year I encourage you to keep your set on the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Remember all the little things that make your life worth living. Things like family, friends, shelter, and food.
So a side from that let me tell you what I did for Thanksgiving. The first thing I did this morning was watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Then our family went to a restaurant called Matty's. We usually go to this expensive country club called Ruth Lake, but our grandparents stopped there membership. So anyway we had a turkey dinner with stuffing, cranberry sauce, and my favorite mashed potatoes! Next, my sister and I explored my grandparents basement, we found all sorts of good things. My grandma let us keep a bunch of stuff ( I'll make a separate post about that later.) After that my cousin came over and we ate dinner. Now we are watching a movie called Elf. Anyway I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving.
-Happy Holidays, love Nina
So a side from that let me tell you what I did for Thanksgiving. The first thing I did this morning was watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Then our family went to a restaurant called Matty's. We usually go to this expensive country club called Ruth Lake, but our grandparents stopped there membership. So anyway we had a turkey dinner with stuffing, cranberry sauce, and my favorite mashed potatoes! Next, my sister and I explored my grandparents basement, we found all sorts of good things. My grandma let us keep a bunch of stuff ( I'll make a separate post about that later.) After that my cousin came over and we ate dinner. Now we are watching a movie called Elf. Anyway I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving.
-Happy Holidays, love Nina
Hey, this is my cousin's blog please check it out,
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Skeleton Bones
I absolutely love love love this song!!!!!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
The Abortion Issue
My sister made this video and I hope it helps you understand the issue of abortion and do something about it.
The Abortion Issue from Meredith Tan on Vimeo.
The Abortion Issue from Meredith Tan on Vimeo.
You Belong With Me by: Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift!!!!!!!
Live Like We're Dying by: Kris Allen
I'm kind of obsessed with this song and music video thumbs up for Kris Allen!!!!
Bucky Balls
Check out these things called Bucky Balls
Hey everyone don't forget to enter my COSTUME CONTEST enter by 10-31-10
Winner will be announced on 11-1-10. enter at
Winner will be announced on 11-1-10. enter at
I've already started my christmas list...
-Taylor Swift Speak Now [Deluxe Edition]
-Diary of a wimpy kid the ugly truth
-Ramona and Beezus the Movie
-Cupcake Scented Pen
-BuckyBalls Magnetic building spheres
-Cupcake mints
-Color Flame Birthday Candles
-Taylor Swift Speak Now [Deluxe Edition]
-Diary of a wimpy kid the ugly truth
-Ramona and Beezus the Movie
-Cupcake Scented Pen
-BuckyBalls Magnetic building spheres
-Cupcake mints
-Color Flame Birthday Candles
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Hi everyone I'm going to start writing a novel called Lucy Everet. It's about a girl who's family is very involved with acting.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
These are my top names for kids.
1: Lucy 1: Isaiah
2: Lacey 2: Isaac
3: LuLu 3: Liam
4: Leah
1: Lucy 1: Isaiah
2: Lacey 2: Isaac
3: LuLu 3: Liam
4: Leah
art contest winner
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pen Pals
There is a new program that you can sign up for called Pleasure Pals (Name belonging to C.H.) The way you can sign up is just send me an email that says you want to sign up for Pleasure Pals. Pleasure Pals is like a pen pal program, you'll get paired up with another person and you can become pen pals. You can find out who you are paired up with on the page labeled Pen Pals also I will send you an email.Thank you and I hope you will sign up.Also don't forget to include your name, thank you!
Thank You
I just wanted to say thank you to my followers and anyone who is looks at my site because of you I've already gotten over 300 page views.
Friday, October 15, 2010

Ok, so I love, love, love this perfume I have called Harajuku Lovers. It's like this Japanese perfume, it's just so amazing! You can buy these at Walmart, Target, and Sephora. They've become so popular that you can buy other Harajuku Lovers products, for more info check out the links below.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I'm going to start having a costume contest in the theme of Halloween. To enter just send me a picture of yourself in your costume also include your name, age, and what your costume is, please enter my contest at
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Art Contest Winner
Congrats to........................................................................ Faith Smith for her wonderful art submission!!!! WINNER!!!!!!
Big Red Buttons
Who likes pushing buttons? Well if you do here is a fun website to go to.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Bug Project
As I told you I have to work on a bug project, now I'll admit I wasn't the most enthusiastic person when I found out I had to do a bug project. But as I learned more about it I discovered how amazing God's creation is it got me more excited. My science teacher told us about a way to kill bugs in a jar with some cotton balls, nail polish remover and some cardboard. As I put the bugs in the jar I saw them struggling just hoping for one last breath, It really did make me sad and upset to see God's creation dying right before my eyes and not only that, I was the one who killed them! The whole point of this project was to appreciate God's creation but it gave me the total opposite reaction, next time I see a bug I'll think twice about killing it.
Monday, August 30, 2010
I love this video on youtube called Marcel the shell, here's the link.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
You know when you have one of those teacher's who just won't stop picking on you and just doesn't like you................ well I've got one of them. Whenever I do something she always stops or questions me. Like one time she was one of the leaders on a retreat that we went to and we had to ask or leaders if we wanted to call someone, so everyone was calling their parents to say hi and everyone was asking to call and she was just like OK. But when I asked to call she said, "why", and I'm just like because I want to say hi and she's like OK just tell them I say hi and that you love them. I'm just like OK. So I come out of my room when I'm off the phone and she starts asking if I told them everything she told me to. I'm like so embarrassed because she didn't tell any of the other girls something like that. I'm just like leave me alone lady! (That is in my head of course) Another time we were in church singing a song and my friend and I are swaying side to side. Then I lost my balance a little and fell. Then the teacher pulls me over by her and tells me that I'm being crazy and gets mad at me yet again I'm embarrassed. It's just like does she want to ruin my life. I'm not the only one that doesn't like her, my other friends are always telling me that she always point me out for doing nothing. If that's the way she shows she cares about me that's a stupid way!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Hi everyone I just had my first day of school! It was great, I was in classes with great people and there were great teachers. I liked all the teachers but two and I also like switching classes better than staying in one class. Overall I loved my first day of middle school.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Using old fashions to make new fashions
Schools coming right around the corner and you might be wondering what to do with last years clothes, maybe they're not in style any more or there to tight for your dress code in any case here's what you can do. One way is to wear sweaters over your old clothes, that way you'll look stylish even without anyone knowing your wearing last year fashions. And even if your not a person who likes sweaters you can always donate them to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. Another thing is to make a cell phone case out of old clothes. I'll show you how in my next post.
Bug Count
I've decided to start a bug count for my bug project.
This week we had a terrible storm. In some places it was so bad that it blew a roof of a house! Thank goodness nothing like that happened to our house. Here are some videos of it, It's hard to see how hard it's raining in these videos and pictures but it was bad.
Bug Project
You know what stinks, BUG PROJECTS. This year I'm going into 6th grade and our first project is that's right a bug project. We have to collect 25 bugs by the end of September, I know what your thinking that won't be hard, you have almost 6 weeks to do it, but when your an 11 year old girl who absolutely hates bugs it's not the easiest thing in the world to do.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Sweet Blog
Hi everybody I just wanted to show you this really cool blog
Sunday, July 11, 2010
More San Diego Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Hey everyone, I told you about newsletters in an earlier post and here is another reason to sign up, if you sign up you will be able to see even more pictures of The San Diego Zoo, including Polar Bears, Panda Bears, Zebras and more. Please sign up soon if you don't sign up by July 20th at 9:00 P.M, you won't be able to get the exclusive pictures of California, but you will be able to get other exclusive pictures, stories, etc. Thank You!
Hey everybody I just wanted to say HAPPY 4th of JULY !!!! Sorry it's a little late, I was traveling back from California late on the 4th. Sure, I missed doing the fireworks, but I had a great view of them while we took off, also I got a spectacular view of the city!
Anyway I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July and didn't
lose sight of the real reason to celebrate, to honor our troops and celebrate our independence. I would also like to thank all the troops in the war for protecting our country.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
In an earlier post I told you about newsletters you could sign up for, and if you're wondering why you should get them this is why, you can get exclusive posts, pictures, and videos that I won't post on my blog. You can also get posts that have not been published yet and hear what else if coming up. Anyway I hope you sign up!
Money Making
Hey everybody I've been trying to write a post on how to earn money, but the truth is I can't think of a good way for a kid to make money. I'm not taking about earning about $5.00 a day by doing a lemonade stand or something, but if you have a good idea, email me at Thanks!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Awesome Blog
Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know about this great blog you should take a look at
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Mackinac Island
Hey if anyone would like to sign up for weekly newsletters for my blog please email me at ,thanks!
For the Birds
This is a pixar animated short film, please check it out now!!!
Mackinac Island
Taylor Swift- You belong with Me
This is Taylor Swift's music video for You Belong with me, check it out
music video,
Taylor Swift,
Mackinac Island
Tonights Agenda
Tonight I'm seeing the new movie Marmaduke I'll tell you how it is A.S.A.P
Disgusting Fact
Did you know that boogers are nutritious! GROOOOOSE! But please don't eat your boogers...........Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Hey everyone I just wanted to share with you an awesome blog you should go to it's called
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Worst Movies I have seen
Here are my top 3 worst movies I have seen. BTW I'm 11 years old and some of these movies are CHILDRENS movies.
#1: Paul Blart Mall Cop
#2: The Shaggy Dog
#3: Beverly Hills Chiwawa
Rain, rain go away, come again another day!
Monday, May 31, 2010
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